Dental Implants

Did you know that dental care spending in the US is well beyond $124 billion per year, according to CDC? The reports also confirm that billions of dollars go down the barrel because of unplanned healthcare and treatments in case of dental emergencies. Dental implants are the most common dental treatments.

They're one of the widely performed dental surgeries and treatment procedures in response to various dental health conditions, as shown in the report from NCBI. These include dental carries, cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and so on. Dental implants are also part of cosmetic treatments because they're optional procedures for smile makeovers to improve smile appearance. Here's what else you should know about getting dental implants from a Lewiston Clarkson Dentist at Canyon Dental.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements for your natural teeth. The need to replace natural teeth with dental implants could arise for several reasons. For instance, you want smile makeovers requiring several cosmetic dentistry treatments, including dental implants. On the other hand, you might also require it when you lose your natural teeth to dental conditions and diseases, like cavities, root canal infections, and face injuries. They provide a firm foundation for natural teeth and make durable replacement teeth.

Here are the top benefits of getting dental implants:

  • Improved smile appearance
  • More comfortable than traditional dentures
  • Convenient eating, chewing, and speech movement
  • Reduced chances of oral health conditions
  • Higher self-esteem

There are different types of dental implants depending on patients' condition/disease, affordability, and preferences. Your Lewiston Clarkston Dentist can help you choose between the following types:

  • Subperiosteal
  • Endosteal
  • Implant Supported Bridges
  • Implant Overdentures
  • All-on-4 Implants

What Dental Conditions Lead to Dental Implants?

You can require dental implants for many oral health conditions, mainly diseases that affect root canals and natural teeth foundation. Remember, dental health is correlated to overall physical health. Still, many people ignore it in the US for different reasons. The smallest issues, like tooth decay and cavities, can rapidly progress to chronic stages, making it impossible to get the right treatment before it's too late. Hence, you should look for signs and symptoms of common dental health problems.

Here are a few health conditions and diseases that might force you to opt for preventive dentistry and dental implants at your Clarkston Dentist:

• Missing Natural Teeth

Missing one or more teeth requires immediate medical attention. Whether it happened as a result of an accident and injury to the face, or you lost some teeth due to oral disease. Getting dental implants will solve half of your worries because it's a form of preventive dentistry. Furthermore, it will create a strong foundation in your jaw and allow the jawbone to grow back. And, dental implants will recuperate the natural appearance of the teeth, giving you a smile makeover. They are not easy to distinguish because they're made to match your natural teeth perfectly.

• Jawbone Loss

One of the main issues that arise after missing one or more teeth is the loss of jawbone. When you lose a few teeth, there are no teeth roots to hold the jawbone and support its growth, including the muscles covering it. Dental implants are artificial teeth and fulfill the role of natural ones. They fuse with the jawbone and facilitate the growth of the bone and muscles covering it. For your information, dental implants are usually made from zirconium and titanium, which naturally bond to the jawbone. The dental care experts call this process "osseointegration.”

• Broken and Cracked/Chipped Tooth

Dental implants can restore mouth function and return the beauty of your smile due to broken or cracked/chipped teeth. Even if only one of your teeth is broken or cracked, you can contact a Clarkston dentist for a dental implant. The Clarkston dentist will try and preserve as much natural tooth as possible, and the dental implant will act as the new face and foundation for the damaged one. The professional will recommend an extraction process if the damage is beyond repair. That's when dental implants could be most suitable for you. The team at Canyon Dental can help you, so don't wait and get an appointment today.

• Difficult Chewing Function

Teeth loss and jawbone disintegration with teeth roots affect your speech and chewing abilities. Missing teeth conditions can force you to bite softly and chew slowly. On the other hand, the jawbone might start losing mass and density, leading to speech impediments and inabilities, such as a "lisp.” However, it's highly unlikely if you get immediate medical attention at your Clarkston dentist and opt for preventive dentistry treatments.

Who Can Get Dental Implants?

Your Clarkston dentist will surgically insert titanium or zirconium posts into your jawbone during dental implants. They will provide an adequate foundation for missing teeth's roots. Titanium is effective at fusing with jawbone. Therefore, you won't have to worry about the implants slipping and causing bone damage. To get dental implants, you'll require the help of a specialized team such as Canyon Dental in Clarkston, Washington. The specialists will examine your medical conditions, dental health status, and previous medical records.

On top of that, they will consider your affordability and health insurance plans to come up with the best preventive dentistry treatments, including dental implants, to overcome your current physical health challenges. Patients with the following conditions and issues are fit for dental implants:

  • Missing teeth
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)
  • Require speech improvement
  • Loss of chewing strength

Also, look at other dental conditions listed above that require dental implants. Dental implants can make suitable treatment options for smile makeovers if you wish to have crooked teeth extracted. Of course, you must be ready to commit to several months of dental implant treatment. Furthermore, if you're a heavy smoker or consume high amounts of alcohol, it's best to quit before the treatment begins. According to NCBI, it would have negative effects on your health and might cause oral health conditions and diseases because your roots and gums are exposed.

When is Someone Not Fit to Get Dental Implants?

Some people are at a higher risk after losing natural teeth and experiencing jawbone health disorders. Although dental implants are highly beneficial for such patients, they might not be fit for the procedure itself. Here are some reasons why it might be the case for you:

  • You have uncontrolled diabetes
  • Your jawbone isn't fully developed (normally, for patients under the age of 18)
  • You have cancer or chronic immune system disorders/diseases
  • You have blood clotting disorders
  • You're a heavy smoker
  • You're caught in a drug abuse cycle


Do you require dental implants at your Lewiston dentist? In that case, we’re just a phone call away! Your dental health is our top priority, so give us a call to schedule an appointment. At Canyon Dental in Clarkston, Washington, we never compromise on patient health and comfort. Dental implants are also a form of preventive dentistry aimed at reducing the chances of debilitating oral health conditions, such as decay and tooth cavities. The team working with the dentist in Clarkston at Canyon Dental is highly trained and experienced in dental implant procedures.

We've helped our patients by offering dental care through affordable healthcare plans. Call us today and schedule a meeting with an experienced dentist at Canyon Dental!